
Showing posts from February, 2016


For middle-aged women who aren’t counting calories, how much exercise does it take to keep off extra weight? According to a new study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association , roughly an hour per day. Though current recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services suggest that a weekly 150 minutes (or half hour five days per week) of moderate exercise—activities like hiking—is enough for weight maintenance, after up to 13 years of follow-up with more than 34,000 women in this latest study, researchers found that maintaining a healthy weight required more than double that amount of moderate physical activity . What’s more, for women who were already overweight, exercise on its own wasn’t enough to help them get back down to a normal range body mass index (BMI). Examining the impact of exercise alone, only women who were at a normal BMI at the study’s onset were able to maintain their healthy body weight—and they did it throug


All great men have been nurtured in the laps of women.  As the famous saying states, “ Behind every successful man there is a woman .” It is either the touch of a loving mother or the embrace of a devoted wife which propels man to the summits of success.  Men are moulded in the shadows of ideal women. The ideal woman is the nucleus of the family.  She keeps bonds strong.  Whilst the father is busy earning the daily bread, the ideal woman as a mother at home wraps the children in a blanket of love and affection.  She tends to their needs and feeds them the love children so ardently desire.  When the mother sits to worship her loving Creator, she positions her child next to her on the prayer mat.  The child observes the mother inquisitively.  As the days pass, the child begins to imitate her actions.  A time comes where the child falls into prostration himself.  Before the mother falls to the ground in the presence of her Mighty Lord, the child displays his servitude and