1) Henny, dark liquor, Stout, or Heinkein or other heavy beers are their drink of choice (FOR NON CHRISTIANS). I don’t know why they want to have that drink as their “special drink” because it’s one of the few drinks most women wouldn’t necessarily see as their drink of choice. Yuck! So the men drink it right up! Have at least a case in your house, if your man drinks alcohol and comes to your place and sees you have some, he will be a happy man. 2) COOK!! COOK!! COOK!! : Even if you don’t like to cook, try and cook a few meals a week. A Nigerian man loves with his belly amongst other things. You know what I’m talking about. Cough. A Nigerian man wants to be able to know that you can properly feed him. Woman: Cook your favorite meals, make sure it’s good, Nigerian men are spoiled by the sweet taste of their mother’s cooking so you are going to have to put that work in the kitchen. No African man is always going to want to do take out or go to a restaurant all the time. He wants to ...