1. Aging. As you get older, the connective tissues (known as Cooper’s ligaments), which help maintain the firmness and pertness of your breasts, get softer and weaker and more stretched. Your skin also becomes less elastic, less firm and thinner. As a consequence, the shape of your breasts changes and your breasts start sagging and drooping.
  2. Gravity. Your breasts are constantly being pulled down by the gravitational forces. This can also have a negative influence, both on your ligaments of Cooper as well as on your skin. The bigger and heavier your boobs are, the more they’re exposed to the force of gravity, and the more saggy and droopy they can become.
  3. Genetics. Just like your genes can have an effect on your oral health, your hair color and your body weight, they can also impact the shape and size of your breasts as well as the strength and endurance of your connective tissues. That’s why certain women have perky and firm bust most of their lives, while others have to deal with breast sagging and drooping as soon as they turn twenty years old.
  4. Pregnancy. It is normal for a woman to experience breast changes (such as skin stretching, breast swelling and shrinking due to expansion and contraction of milk glands) during and after each pregnancy. In fact, the more pregnancies you’ve gone through, the more profound these changes can be, and the more likely you are to develop saggy, droopy and deflated breasts. On the other hand, nursing (breastfeeding) is proven NOT to have adverse effects on the shape of your bosoms.
  5. Smoking. I already mentioned how your skin becomes less firm and less elastic over time. This happens because the collagen (responsible for the firmness) and the elastin (responsible for the elasticity) in your skin starts to break down faster as you age. This is all natural and age-related. However, if you smoke cigarettes on a regular basis, you speed up the mentioned breakdown process tremendously.
  6. Exposure to sun. As much as we all love hanging out on the beach together with our family and friends, we must not forget that too much exposure to sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light is unhealthy for us. Not only can it cause severe health issues (premature aging and skin cancer for instance), it can also contribute towards breast sagging or drooping – pretty much for the same reason as smoking does.
  7. Wearing a bra. French scientist named Jean-Denis Rouillon recently finished a 15 years long study and came to a conclusion that wearing a bra can actually speed up (and not prevent!) breast sagging and his findings, brassiere can limit the development of supportive tissues which are responsible for keeping female breasts lifted and perky. With that said, this conclusion is not final yet as further research needs to be carried out.
  8. Substantial weight loss and / or weight gain. When your body gains weight, your breasts become bigger and heavier too thanks to all the extra fat that gets accumulated there. This then results in saggy and droopy bosoms because additional weight means (even) more pressure and strain on your supporting tissues, on your ligaments as well as on your skin. And if you decide to get rid of the excess weight, your breasts will look deflated and empty due to permanently stretched skin. 
  9. Exercising without proper support. During a physical exercise (lets take running for example) your breasts bounce up and down, to the left and to the right as well as forwards and backwards. If you don’t have proper support to restrain this movement, you could end up damaging the supporting tissues and the ligaments, and thus making your breasts even saggier. This is especially true for those women with larger cup sizes who exercise on a daily basis.
  10. Menopause. Once you hit your menopausal years, you can expect your feminine assets to go even more south. The biggest reason for this is the drop of estrogen levels in your body, which forces milk ducts and glands in your breasts to shrink. In addition, the connective tissues which keep your bosoms firm also contract and get replaced with (heavier and less flexible) fat. All this results in sagging and empty-looking breasts.


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